Category: Newsletter


NEWSLETTER No.1 of 2024/2025

Dear Member

While we hope you are enjoying the summer break, the committee has been working hard behind the scenes to ensure everything is ready for the beginning of the new season.

Annual General Meeting

On Thursday 6th June 2024, we held our AGM. Even though there was only 10% of the membership present, the meeting was a very productive one, as the members’ motion and the proposed purchases and refurbishment presented by the committee was passed unanimously. The committee would like to express the importance of attending these AGM’s as everything we do is for the better of the club and you. Saying this, the committee would like to thank those that took their time and interest in attending. Works are currently underway at the branch and hopefully everything will be ready, for when the new season kicks off.

30th Anniversary Dinner

Again a very poor attendance from the membership on such a special occasion, nevertheless, the food was great and the company was even better. We hope that those that attended had an enjoyable night.

Membership Renewals

If you have yet not renewed your membership, please do so as soon as possible. Members who renew before the 15th of July will have priority when applying for match tickets over those who join after this date.

MUSC Ticket Allocation Deadlines 2024/2025

Firstly, the Committee would like to apologise for the short notice on the deadlines for applications for Match Tickets. This has been due to circumstances beyond our control.

The table below displays the deadline dates by which members must submit their request for match tickets. Requests received after the deadline will not be considered.

Requests can be made by either:

Once completed, forms should be submitted by:

WhatsApp Group

For those of you who have not yet joined but wish to do so, find the link to our WhatsApp group, (Manchester United Supporters Gibraltar Branch) on the Newsletter sent by email. Here you will only receive information about the Branch and MUFC if required.

Kind Regards


NEWSLETTER No.16 of 2023/2024

Dear Member

As mentioned in Newsletter No.13 of 23/24, which consisted of the Agenda for the AGM to be held on Thursday 6th June 2024 at 7pm at our club premises, the Committee wishes to propose changes to rules, 15, 15.1, 16.1, 16.3, 16.4, 20.2, 21.5, 21.6 and 21.7 of the Club’s Constitution/Rules as follows. These will be explained and discussed at the AGM.


15.1 The Branch operates a non-smoking policy and smoking is not allowed anywhere within the Branch premises. 



 15.1 The Branch operates a non-vaping policy and vaping is not allowed anywhere within the Branch premises. 


16.1 The management of the Branch (except as otherwise provided by these Rules) is entrusted to a Committee of not more than ten Adult Members each of at least one year’s standing and who have been elected at the Annual General Meeting. 

16.3 The Committee shall consist of:

  1.  a Chairman
  2.  a Vice Chairman
  3.  a  Branch Secretary
  4.  a Treasurer
  5.  a Membership and Ticketing Secretary
  6.  a minimum of one Committee Member (with a maximum of five)

16.4 For the purposes of these Rules, the members of the Committee occupying the posts identified in Rule 16.3 (a) to (e) above shall be the ‘office bearers’.



16.1 The management of the Branch (except as otherwise provided by these Rules) is entrusted to a Committee of not more than eight Adult Members each of at least one year’s standing and who have been elected at the Annual General Meeting. 

16.3 The Committee shall consist of:

  1. a Chairman
  2. a Vice Chairman
  3. a Secretary
  4. a Treasure
  5. a minimum of one Committee Member (with a maximum of four)

16.4 For the purposes of these Rules, the members of the Committee occupying the posts identified in Rule 16.3 (a) to (d) above shall be the ‘office bearers’.


20.2 Six members of the Committee form a quorum.



20.2 Five members of the Committee form a quorum.


21.5 The Committee is empowered to incur expenditure on behalf of the Branch from Branch funds. The expenditure incurred and committed in any accounting year must not exceed the total annual income of the Branch.

21.6. The Committee shall not enter into any loan or credit arrangements that cannot be honoured by the Branch within the year of operation unless a resolution is passed at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting by a majority of at least two thirds of the Members present.

21.7 No item of capital expenditure exceeding £1,000 will be incurred by the Committee without the sanction of an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting exclusively called for this purpose.   



21.5 The Committee is empowered to incur expenditure on behalf of the Branch from Branch funds. The expenditure incurred and committed in any accounting year must not exceed the total income of the Branch reasonably expected for that accounting year, unless the expenditure was:

  • Previously identified in the budget approved at the Annual General Meeting; or
  • Separately approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting

21.6. The Committee shall not enter into any loan or credit arrangements unless a resolution is passed at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting by a majority of at least two thirds of the Members present.

21.7 Except as provided in 21.5, no item of capital expenditure exceeding £3,000 will be incurred by the Committee without the sanction of an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting exclusively called for this purpose.   

The Committee also wishes to propose the purchase and refurbishment of the following:

  • The purchase of a 100” Smart TV to replace the 104”projector screen.
  • Partition to close small area between the lady’s toilet and existing store room to create another very much needed store room.
  • Repairing and painting of white painted walls
  • Improve overall lighting of the premises

All the above will be fully explained and discussed if necessary at the AGM.



NEWSLETTER No.14 of 2023/2024

Dear Member

Our final Premier League match of the season against Brighton is scheduled for Sunday 19th May at 5pm and the Committee wishes to remind you that the Branch will be offering free Paella together with a free drink during or after the match.

For the FA Cup Final on Saturday 25th May, the Committee wishes to remind you that the Branch will be holding a BBQ as from 1pm.

Menu is £12 Per Person and includes –

  • Chicken Pinchito
  • Beef Pinchito
  • Burger or Cheese Burger
  • Pork Chop
  • Jacket Potato
  • Tomato, Lettuce and Onion salad

The BBQ is open to members and one guest per member.

Payment must be made to the caterer at the club by Sunday 19th May.

The Committee also wishes to remind you that the deadline for the 30th Anniversary Dinner will be Friday 31st May. This consisted of a three course meal provided by our very own caterer, of which 50% of the cost will be subsidised by the Branch (drinks not included).

Members may bring their partners as guests if they are not members, but they will have to pay the full amount. The full price of the dinner is £36, so members will pay £18 and non-members £36. To reserve your place, a £10 deposit per person is required to be paid at the club to our caterers.

We recommend you make your reservations a.s.a.p. in order to avoid unnecessary disappointments.

Kind Regards


NEWSLETTER No.13 of 2023/2024 (AGM)


Dear Member



  1. To read and approve the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on the 1st June 2023
  2. Matters arising from the Minutes
  3. Chairman’s Report
  4. Certify and approve the Financial Statement for the period 01/04/23 to 31/03/24 together with the Auditor’s and Committee’s Report. This will be send shortly
  5. Members’ Motions (as per Rule 25.1 notice of 7 days is required). Committee proposals will be send shortly.
  6.  Approval of Budget for 2024/2025. 
  7. Election of Committee for 2024/2025. 
  8. Election of Auditor for the Financial Period 01/04/24 to 31/03/25. 
  9. Any other business.

Members are reminded that under Rule 25.1 any member is entitled to propose any resolution at the Annual General Meeting but notice must be submitted in writing to the Secretary not later than 7 days before the Annual General Meeting.

It is important that you attend the AGM as the Chairman will in his Report cover events over the past year, together with forthcoming projects. There will also be a complimentary buffet for you to enjoy after the Annual General Meeting.   




NEWSLETTER No.12 of 2023/2024

Dear Member


The membership form for new members sent on our previous Newsletter was missing the email address field, attached please find the amended version.

Extra Opening Hours

As you know, the club is already on summer hours but the club will also open the following days from 11am to 4pm.

  • Thursday 2nd May 2024
  • Thursday 9th May 2024
  • Wednesday 22nd May 2024
  • Thursday 23rd May 2024

Final Premier League Match

Our final Premier League match of the season against Brighton is scheduled for Sunday 19th May 2024 at 5pm and the Committee wishes to announce that the Branch will be offering free Paella together with a free drink during or after the match.

FA Cup Final

Again, the attendance and atmosphere for the FA Cup semi-final was great.

The Committee wishes to announce that the Branch will be holding a BBQ as from 1pm on Saturday 25th May 2024 prior to the FA Cup Final v Manchester City (Kick off at 4pm).

Menu is £12 Per Person and includes –

  • Chicken Pinchito
  • Beef Pinchito
  • Burger or Cheese Burger
  • Pork Chop
  • Jacket Potato
  • Tomato, Lettuce and Onion salad

The BBQ is open to members and one guest per member.

Payment of £12 per person must be made to the caterer at the club by Sunday 19th May 2024. 

30th Anniversary Dinner 

Remember to save the date, Saturday 8th June 2024. 

The dinner will consist of a three course meal provided by our very own caterer, of which 50% of the cost will be subsidised by the Branch (drinks not included).

Members may bring their partners as guests if they are not members but they will pay the full amount. The full price of the dinner is £36, so members will pay £18 and non-members £36. 

To reserve your place, a £10 deposit per person whether member or non-member is required to be paid at the club to our caterers. Please do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.


The Committee has created a Membership group in WhatsApp named Manchester United Supporters Gibraltar Branch, for ease of communication. You will only receive information about the Branch and MUFC if required but you will not be able to write in this group. Any queries may be asked to any Committee Member through email, mobile or their personal WhatsApp.



NEWSLETTER No.11 of 2023/2024

Dear Member,


The 2023/2024 Manchester United Football Club (MUFC) Official Membership was sold out in January 2024 with over 360,000 Official Members. The second time that this has occurred, the highest membership ever in world sport. This creates a huge demand for match tickets. MUFC has already opened renewals and new memberships for 2024/2025 season and specify that they do not know until when the membership will remain open with such demand. Therefore, the Branch is ready to accept applications for renewals and new memberships for the coming season. The enclosed Membership Application Form shows the different categories/types and respective membership fees for the season 2024/2025. MUFC and Local Branch membership fees remain the same as last season. There has been no change in categories/types or fees. Due to the new Manchester United Supporters Club’s (MUSC) Charter, the MUFC fees and the Local Branch fees had to be separated but the amount payable is the TOTAL as shown on the forms.

Full Member includes:

  • Exclusive Standard Merchandise Pack
  • Digital Membership Card
  • 2022/2023 Digital Yearbook
  • Home Match Ticket Access
  • European Away Ticket Access
  • Discounted MU Women Home Match Tickets
  • 40% off Museum & Stadium Tour
  • 10% off Megastore/ United Direct Purchases
  • 15% off Red Café 

Lite Member includes:

  • Digital Membership Card
  • 2022/2023 Digital Yearbook
  • Home Match Ticket Access
  • European Away Ticket Access
  • Discounted MU Women Home Match Tickets
  • 20% off Museum & Stadium Tour
  • 10% off Megastore/ United Direct Purchases
  • 10% off Red Café

Junior Member includes:

  • Exclusive Junior Merchandise Pack
  • Digital Membership Card
  • 2022/2023 Digital Yearbook
  • Home Match Ticket Access
  • European Away Ticket Access
  • Discounted MU Women Home Match Tickets
  • 50% off Museum & Stadium Tour
  • 10% off Megastore/ United Direct Purchases
  • 10% off Red Café 

Local membership includes taking part in a raffle, which can win you a trip to Old Trafford when the Branch organises its annual trip (up to a maximum of £750).


  • Watch all matches live at our great premises at Wellington Front
  • Take advantage of match day food menu at great prices
  • Enjoy events such as BBQs, wine and beer tastings, dinners with live music, and much more
  • Occasionally have free food or drinks on match days
  • For every five attendances on match days get an extra free ticket for the Trip raffle
  • Free children’s Christmas Party where parents or guardians only need to provide the present

The new renewal forms contains your required details but if any of this information has changed, please write the correct information in the space provided on the form. If you need forms for new members, these may be obtained at our premises or downloaded/printed from our website.

Manchester United will no longer provide the physical membership cards. All categories/types of memberships contain the digital membership card, which you may download to your mobile phone. Purchased match tickets may also be downloaded to your mobile phone.

In order to renew your membership you are requested to complete and return the local membership form enclosed, together with the appropriate fee for your category/type of membership. We will then renew your membership with the Branch and with Manchester United. Manchester United may send you a reminder, in the coming weeks, inviting you to renew the Membership, please disregard this request. If you have any queries or difficulties in completing the form please contact the Ticketing and Membership Secretary who will provide whatever assistance is required.

Preferably payments should be made through online banking details as follows:

                                 Name: MAN UNITED SUPPORTER

                                 Sort Code: 60-60-60

                                 Account No.: 48120278

                                 Please give your name as reference

If however this is not a convenient option, Cheques (payable to M.U.S.G.B.) or Cash payments are acceptable.                             

As in the previous years, we will receive an allocation of a fixed number of tickets for every Premiership home game. The allocation will be dependent on the number of members we have as at 1st August 2024. It is therefore in the interest of all members that the Branch has the highest possible number of members registered by that deadline. We should therefore be grateful if you would return the completed form before the 15th July 2024 in order to achieve the greatest allocation possible. It is for this reason that members who are registered with the Branch before the 15th July will be given priority for match tickets and Branch Trip games over those who renew or become members after this date. 

The Committee would like to remind members that by enrolling as a local member you will automatically take part in a raffle which can win you a trip to Old Trafford when the Branch organises its annual trip  (up to a maximum of £750).  


Please note that tickets requested by members are to be used by the member requesting the ticket(s) and cannot be transferred to another member or non-member without the written consent of the Branch. Anyone transferring tickets without permission would be in breach of Rule. 11.1 of the Branch Rules.


NEWSLETTER No.10 of 2023/2024

Dear Member

Change of Opening Hours

After we change our clocks to Summer Time this Sunday, the club is also changing its Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday opening hours. As from Tuesday 2nd April the club will open Tuesday to Thursday from 6pm till late. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday remains the same. This is as follows:

Monday closed

Tuesday 6pm – late

Wednesday 6pm – late

Thursday 6pm – late

Friday 11am – 4pm and 6pm – late

Saturday 11am – 4pm and 6pm – late 

Sunday 11am – 4pm 

The club will obviously open on every Manchester United match day at least one and a half hour before kick-off.

30th Anniversary Dinner 

Remember to save the date, Saturday 8th June 2024. 

The dinner will consist of a three course meal provided by our very own caterer, of which 50% of the cost will be subsidised by the Branch (drinks not included). Please find the full menu attached.

Members may bring their partners as guests if they are not members but they will pay the full amount. The full price of the dinner is £36, so members will pay £18 and non-members £36. To reserve your place, a £10 deposit per person whether member or non-member is required to be paid at the club to our caterers. Please do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

We would also be grateful if you may send us photographs you might have taken through these thirty years. Whether of any previous premises we have watched United, present premises, events organised by the Branch, UK trips or anything you find relevant, please reply and attach to this email address.

Dress Code is Smart Casual.

Please if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask any committee member.

Thirty years is very easily said but it is a long time. The Branch since it was founded in 1993 has been gradually improving to where we find ourselves today and we keep on improving. There is always room for improvement and that is what every committee has done through all these years but please do not forget that you are the most important. Without members we would not have anything. The Committee does not mind taking the workload and responsibilities but would really appreciate your support in the events we organise and on match days too. We have a total of 248 members and only about 25 to 30 come to the premises to watch United. COME ON! We want our team to do well, Let’s do our bit. Support your United and your Official Branch.



NEWSLETTER No.9 of 2023/2024

Dear Member

30th Anniversary Dinner 

As mentioned on our last Newsletter, the committee is rescheduling the 30th Anniversary Dinner to Saturday 8th June 2024. 

This will consist of a three course meal provided by our very own caterer, of which 50% of the cost will be subsidised by the Branch (drinks not included). Please find the full menu attached.

Members may bring their partners as guests if they are not members but they will pay the full amount. The full price of the dinner is £36, so members will pay £18 and non-members £36. To reserve your place, a £10 deposit per person whether member or non-member is required to be paid at the club to our caterers.

We would also be grateful if you may send us photographs you might have taken through these thirty years. Whether of any previous premises we have watched United, present premises, events organised by the Branch, UK trips or anything you find relevant, please reply and attach to this email address.

Dress Code is Smart Casual.

Please if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask any committee member.

Thirty years is very easily said but it is a long time. The Branch since it was founded in 1993 has been gradually improving to where we find ourselves today and we keep on improving. There is always room for improvement and that is what every committee has done through all these years but please do not forget that you are the most important. Without members we would not have anything. The Committee does not mind taking the workload and responsibilities but would really appreciate your support in the events we organise and on match days too. We have a total of 248 members and only about 25 to 30 come to the premises to watch United. COME ON! We want our team to do well, Let’s do our bit. Support your United and your Official Branch.


The Committee has created a Membership group in WhatsApp to which many of you have already joined. You will only receive information about the Branch and MUFC if required but you will not be able to write in this group. Any queries may be asked to any Committee Member through email, mobile or their personal WhatsApp. 


Gala Dinner Menu



NEWSLETTER No.8 of 2023/2024

Dear Member

Wine Tasting

The Branch wishes to announce a Protos Wine Tasting with pairing Tapas to be held at the Club Premises on Tuesday 26thMarch 2024 at 7pm. A representative from Bodegas Protos will be visiting Gibraltar and thanks to Saccone & Speed Ltd, we will have the opportunity of tasting some of their wines. 

Bodegas Protos is a historic wine producer and precursor of the worldwide recognised fine wines of Ribera Del Duero. The tasting will consist of one White Wine, one Rose Wine and three Red Wines, all combined with their appropriate tapas. The representative from Bodegas Protos will guide us through the tasting of these amazing wines.

Spaces are limited and for just £20 per person, these will be sold out quickly. Members are allowed to bring one guest per member for the same price of £20. To reserve your seat or seats, please pay the full amount at the club. This will be treated on a first come first served basis. Please note that if by Friday 8th March 2024 there are still spaces available, the committee will offer these to other guests, so please react quickly to avoid disappointment.

30th Anniversary Dinner 

As many of you know, the 30th Anniversary Dinner had to be cancelled due to the poor response of the membership. 

The Committee feels proud of the 30 years we have been registered as an Official Branch of MUFC and the journey the Branch has travelled through these 30 years to find ourselves in the position our Branch sits today. We have amazing premises with great character, which were inaugurated by the best manager in the world, Sir Alex Ferguson. We also have great relationship with our colleagues at MUFC. 

Therefore, the committee feels our Branch merits this Dinner to celebrate it’s 30th Anniversary and has rescheduled the same. Very soon you will receive a newsletter on this event with some changes to the original plans. The Committee would really appreciate a good response from membership on this occasion, showing gratitude for the hard work done and the journey we have all travelled together.

Committee Members

We need to inform you that David Bonfiglio elected as Membership & Ticketing Secretary at the AGM resigned from the committee on the 7th December 2023 and since then Jason Segovia, elected as Committee Member at the AGM, has undertaken the duties and responsibilities of the Membership & Ticketing Secretary. We wish to congratulate and thank Jason for the great job he is doing.

Also Duncan Infante elected as Secretary at the AGM resigned from the Committee on the 26th February 2024. At the moment we are sharing the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary role within the committee.


The Committee has created a Membership group in WhatsApp named Manchester United Supporters Gibraltar Branch, for ease of communication. You will only receive information about the Branch and MUFC if required but you will not be able to write in this group. Any queries may be asked to any Committee Member through email, mobile or their personal WhatsApp.



NEWSLETTER No.7(2) of 2023/2024


Dear Member, 
We would like to invite you all to our 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner. Please find enclosed our invitation and menu details. For this special occasion the club is subsidising 50% of the cost.
We hope to see you all at this momentous occasion on the 20th January 2024.
Gala Dinner Menu